Unpack Your Purpose designs scripture-infused courses with relatable content that will empower women by helping them to establish or recover their identity, discover their pathway to emotional healing, and find their purpose.
"Pastor Glenda Hyde and her team allowed the Holy Spirit to have His way. She was led by the spirit of God and was very in tune with what He wanted to show each and every one of us that was there."
- Elayne Ramirez
Hi, I’m Glenda Hyde! I am a pastor, educator, wife, and a down to earth, sit in your living room, and talk to your girlfriend type of lady. I have established this school to empower women from any and every walk of life! The courses you find here will strengthen and motivate you as well as deepen your knowledge and experience with the Word of God. My desire is to make a substantial positive impact on your life with the hope that once you have been strengthened, you will go and do the same for someone else. Looking forward to journeying with you!
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